Many things are taken into consideration when planning for a new neighbourhood. Traffic studies are conducted, sewer and water capacities are analyzed, the type of housing product is determined and of course, thought is given to the overall vision of the community and how its design will all come together. A key part of this vision is the community’s architectural standards that are put in place for the homes and buildings being built.
Qualico Communities works hard to ensure that there is diversity in the home styles and designs within our developments and our architectural guidelines play an important role in ensuring this. The architectural guidelines for Bison Run are developed to ensure a cohesive design standard across all housing types with the plan for the architectural vision to evolve as the community progresses.
Bison Run will begin with modern takes on eight distinct architectural styles including prairie, farmhouse, contemporary, craftsman, mid-century modern, French country, Scandinavian and ranch. This mix of housing types and architectural styles will establish attractive and captivating streetscapes to contribute to the character of the neighbourhood.
So, what does this mean for you? These guidelines will serve as a roadmap as you are working with your builder to design your dream home while preserving the integrity and vision for the overall community. You can be confident knowing that your home will be situated on an appealing street within a well-designed neighbourhood.
Be sure to talk to your builder about the architectural vision and guidelines and download our complete architectural guidelines for more information.